The-Black-Jack - My Alter ego
LeeJaySan - I like hentai, he likes hentai and thats the bottom line
Espiridion - His real name is Esperidion but I mispelled it (I made his account, he said he wants a NG account so I made one with his permission; he use his account very rarely). Also known as the Ace of Clubs in our School. And he also like skulls for some reason
ZYNEX-25 - One of my classmates. Like Esperidion, I'm the one responsible for his account. Also known as the Ace of Diamonds and he is also a pokemon fanatic
Youngblood26 - My schoolmate and I'm the one responsible for letting him make an account. He is a boxing fan.
Jnry3 - A great audio artist that I met on NG, he is also a Filipino.
ecwrulesbad - A girl that likes stuff that boys like. Examples are wrestling and Linkin Park (Though I don't like that band) and the words she use on the internet.
Sawdust - Some guys hate him but a decent user for me. Formerly known as Xmanne
Cyberdevil - The guy that make quizzes in his userpage.
Stupidity21 - The guy that likes SSBB and one of my friends on NG
Natalia777 - I like her attitude and I have a cru-... lets just move to the next user
Sunglasses - A great photoshopper (photoshopper is a word, right?). By looking at his blogs, his Icon and his header, you can say that he is also an Iron Maiden Fan.
Capncruncdapimp - He likes classic rock too and he is the guy who started the "Epic Tits Of The Week"
karlu20 - A girl that likes hentai.
Gamerpeepinpa - One of my Filipino friends but he is in the US
Spartan204, straightpimpin1, Shawn - They added me on their buddy list because I asked.
racoonmario - One of my few hentai buddies on the internet
Jacked-Off-lantern - A gay fag(not really) who loves playing with dog turds (He asked me to put that)
Axe1133 - Request
WolfBlitz2 - Request
Zergzealot - Request
racer1990 - request
applepie12 - request
N0nsense - request
fury6 - Request
Cericon - Request
and heres the trailer for the Italian Spiderman :D
/* */
I also banned betty
I love you.
I love you too